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Capture Data

WhatsApp Capture Data From Chat
Capture all the valuable information you want from your customers via WhatsApp chat.

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Step 1. Enable Capture Data

Step 2. Enter Variable Name


Example of  Capture Data:

Chatbot 1:
Okay thank you for interested with Package A.
To proceed with your order, please tell us your *Name*?
Capture Data : Name
Shortcode : [Name]
After customer reply, you want to ask about their address. So you need to connect with chatbot that ask their address.

Chatbot 2:
Okay  , can I know your address please?
Capture Data : Address
Shortcode : [Address]
After customer reply, you want to confirm about their name & address. So you need to connect with chatbot that confirm their name & address. you can use shortcode to show their name and address.

Chatbot 3:
Okay thank you. Here is your detail.
Name : [Name]
Address : [Address]
Is this correct?

Use Exact Match Type and unique keyword so that your chatbot wont trigger accidentally by others. You can use _ or – at your keyword.
Example : cmc_order_address

Step 3. View Contact Data

  1. Go to WhatsApp > Contact > Contact Data

2. Click on WA Account or Contact Data List

3. Choose WA Contacts or WA Groups.

4. You can view the data here, and assign it to contact group using Assign Button
Refer here

Step 4. Sort Contact Data

  1. If you have capture many variable and want to view only some variable, you can use Sort features.

2. You can ON / OFF the variable that you don’t want to see

3. You can also Drag and Drop to sort the variable