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Export Import Chatbot

You can now export your chatbot + sequences message and import to another WhatsApp Account. You also can make it as a backup file.

Step 1. WhatsApp > Features > Chatbot


Step 2. Choose WA Account & Export

Choose your WA Account Chatbot that you want to export / backup and click on Export Chatbots button.

Check at your browser’s Download

Step 3. Choose WA Account & Import

Choose your WA Account Chatbot that you want to import the chatbot and click on Import Chatbots button.

Click Upload JSON button.

Choose your JSON file and click open.

Please check and edit your chatbot.

Step 4. Check & Edit Chatbot

Imported chatbot will have auto suffix _i

You can edit to change the name.

If you have media attach at your chatbot, please check all the media is correct.

Please note that if you are import the JSON file with different account, you may need to upload all the media again as the media is not available at your account.

Sequence Message

All sequence message only will be export if you have attach it to chatbot.

These sequence message (red arrow) are attached to chatbot when export button is click.

Sequence message that being import at new account.

Capture Variable Validation

If you are using Capture Data > Capture Variable Validation features, please check after import.

Please choose Next Bot Type ID if it is missing.