Spintext & Variable
Spintext Features is to help you create variation of text within the same caption. This to avoid all message send are identical and will easily get ban by WhatsApp.
Spintext is a group of words which have similar meanings (synonyms) separated by “|” which aims to do spin / random words so that the template sent to number A is not identical to the one sent to numbers B and C and D and so on, the example of the application is as follows
“{Hello|Good morning|Hi} my customer”
when you do the bulk messaging it will bring up variations:
a) Hello my customer
b) Good morning my customer
c) Hi my customer
Variable features allow you to send personalize message. You can use Custom Variables that you provide at Contact Group or you can use Common Variable that we provide.
%% is no longer being use for variable. Now you must use [] for variable.
If you want to use [] that is not variable inside your caption, please use symbol = inside [].
[something] —> [=something]
[=something] will show as [something] at your recipient WhatsApp
Custom Variables
If you already upload contact group, you can use custom variable in the contact group.
Let say you want to display Name and Address, just put [Name] and [Address] in your bulk message caption.
Example :
“{Hello|Good morning|Hi} [Name] , we will send your parcel at [Address] by today”
Common Variable List:
You can refer available common variable for each Features below.
- [greet|good morning|0-11|good afternoon|12-13|good evening|14-18|good night|19-23] – return greet acording your timezone. you can change good morning and time to your own text.
- [wa_phone] – return user phone number (can be use at Notification Message & Contact Groups Variable )
- [wa_name] – return user display name (can be use at Notification Message & Contact Groups Variable )
- [wa_message] – return user message (can be use at Notification Message & Contact Groups Variable )
- [me_phone] – return your phone number
- [me_name] – return your display name
- [now_format|en|DD MMM YYYY, HH:mm] – return time now with language (can be use at Notification Message & Contact Groups Variable )
This is the result of data that being capture by variable at Contact Group Variable
Auto Reply
- [greet|good morning|0-11|good afternoon|12-13|good evening|14-19|good night|20-23]
- [wa_phone]
- [wa_name]
- [wa_message]
- [me_phone]
- [me_name]
- [now_format|en|DD MMM YYYY, HH:mm]
Reject Call
- [greet|good morning|0-11|good afternoon|12-13|good evening|14-19|good night|20-23]
- [me_phone]
- [me_name]
- [now_format|en|DD MMM YYYY, HH:mm]
Greeting Message
- [greet|good morning|0-11|good afternoon|12-13|good evening|14-19|good night|20-23]
- [wa_phone]
- [wa_name]
- [wa_message]
- [me_phone]
- [me_name]
- [now_format|en|DD MMM YYYY, HH:mm]
Away Message
- [greet|good morning|0-11|good afternoon|12-13|good evening|14-19|good night|20-23]
- [wa_phone]
- [wa_name]
- [wa_message]
- [me_phone]
- [me_name]
- [now_format|en|DD MMM YYYY, HH:mm]
- [greet|good morning|0-11|good afternoon|12-13|good evening|14-19|good night|20-23]
- [wa_phone]
- [wa_name]
- [wa_message]
- [me_phone]
- [me_name]
- [now_format|en|DD MMM YYYY, HH:mm]
Bulk Messaging
- [greet|good morning|0-11|good afternoon|12-13|good evening|14-19|good night|20-23]
- phone_number
- [now_format|en|DD MMM YYYY, HH:mm]
Intergration – Woocommerce, Onpay, Ordersini
- [greet|good morning|0-11|good afternoon|12-13|good evening|14-19|good night|20-23]
- [now_format|en|DD MMM YYYY, HH:mm]
Greet Variable
You can view the result of this variable below
Within 12.00 to 13.00, it will greet good afternoon
You can change text and time inside the variable to your own custom [greet|good morning|0-11|good afternoon|12-13|good evening|14-18|good night|19-23]
- Example : [greet|selamat pagi|0-11|selamat tengah hari|12-13|selamat petang|14-19|selamat malam|19-23]