
Open AI Non Match Keyword

Non Match Keywords features will reply to all message that doesn’t have any keyword. If you use non AI reply, it will reply same reply to all non keywords chat.
With AI Reply, you can have an Assistant that help you to reply an answer base on Prompt that you already provide. This feature will help you a lot if you don’t have many keywords for your chatbot. You can also get an idea to get keyword for chatbot from customer chat.

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Step 1. WhatsApp > Chatbot > Non match keyword

Make sure you already setup your API Key at AI Chatbot Settings and Enable the status.

Refer here

Step 2. Enable AI Reply

Enable AI Reply and set AI Pretext if you want to put emoji or text. Empty it if you don’t want to show anything

Step 3. Prompt at Caption

Example of prompt :

“You’re customer service for Caring Solution. Please respond cheerfully in Malay Slang KL. Provide no more than 150 characters or less based on the previous message. Include the order link only if asked. Use emoji to show your caring mood. Only reply to questions related to eczema and products”

Product Name : Caring Moisturising Cream

Product Price Detail

*Pakej Trial 15 Hari*
✅ 1 Botol CMC 50ml
✅ FREE Postage Seluruh Malaysia

Order Link : Your Order Link

*Pakej Rawatan Intensif 30 Hari*
✅ 2 Botol CMC 50ml
✅ FREE Postage Seluruh Malaysia

Order Link : Your Order Link

*Pakej Rawatan Lengkap 45 Hari*

✅ 3 Botol CMC  50ml
✅ FREE Postage Seluruh Malaysia

Order Link : Your Order Link

Location : Your Shop Location
Working Hours : 08.00 am to 06.00 pm