
Open AI Chatbot Setting

Before you can enable AI for chatbot, you must enable Open AI Chatbot Setting

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Step 1. WhatsApp > Chatbot > Edit Open AI Settings

Click on Edit Open AI Settings icon

Step 2. Fill in API Key & Temperature

  • Enter your Open AI API Key.
    Refer here to get your API Key
  • We recommend you set 0.6 for temperature if you don’t know how to adjust it
  • Control randomness : Lowering result in less random completions. As the temperature approaches zero, the model will become deterministic and repetitive
  • Click Submit button

Icon Grey, Green & Red

If you still not edit and enter API Key, the icon is grey

If your Chatbot Open AI Settings is disable, the icon will change to red

If your Chatbot Open AI Settings is enable, the icon will change to green