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Integration - Custom

Integration Custom features enable you to send WhatsApp Notification + Follow Up for any form or website that have a webhook.

Example of form that you can integrate :

  • Elementor Form
  • Fluent Form
  • Formidable Form
  • WP Form
  • Google Form

Step 1. Integrations > Custom

Step 2. Add New Site

Click “Add New Site” button

Change status to Active

Fill in the require detail

  • Website Logo
  • Website Name
  • Website Link
  • Website Currency

Step 3. Select WhatsApp Senders & Copy Webhook URL

Please make sure to select at least 1 WhatsApp Account & Copy the Webhook URL

Step 4. Click Re-Capture Response

Make sure you click the Re-Capture Response button after copy the Webhook URL

Step 5. Paste Webhook URL

Paste the Webhook URL at the form or site

Step 6. Submit The Form

Fill in the detail at the form / site and submit to trigger the webhook. Please make sure that your form has phone field.

Step 7. Enter Customer Phone Variable

Wait the response receive and find the phone variable. Copy the variable and paste at Customer Phone Variable.

Step 8. Order Status Option

If you want to have custom status, please paste the variable at Order Status. Please enable Order Status Options and you can add custom color to your label.

Please SAVE if done.

Step 9. Create Template

Click on Add New Template button to create a template

Fill in the detail

  • Template Name
  • Enable the Status
  • Choose Sent to Customer or Seller
  • Choose Default Country Option
  • Choose Order Status (if any)

Copy the variable (can check at Re-Capture Response) and edit your caption.

You can also send other type of template type such as Contact or Location.


  • Multiple Times – Template will be always sent if status trigger
  • Once – Template will be sent once only

Time Send

  • Instant – Template will be sent instantly
  • Custom – Template will be sent after custom time (Follow Up)

Recheck Order Status

  • No – C4W will send this template message after the “Time Send” set regardless of the order status at that time
    Yes – After the “Time Send” set, C4W will “Recheck” the order status again. Message will not be sent if the order status has changed

Step 10. List Incoming

Go to List Incoming for the site. You can check all the incoming webhook here. Make sure your WhatsApp is connected to Click4Wasap or your Notification won’t send.

Click View at Variable to get all the variables available for your custom form / site.

At Incoming List, click View at Variable to get all the variables available for your form / site and use at template.

Step 11. List Outgoing

You will get a data at List Incoming & List Outgoing (Must setup List Template) if your setting is correct after webhook was trigger.

You can check at RESPONSE for the reason if your status is FAIL.