
Contact Groups

Contact Groups can be imported manually, using Excel File (must download the example) or using assign features.

File format that supported is .xlsx
Make sure to put country code at Phone Number!

Below are the features that can use Contact Groups

Auto Reply – can be use for Contact Manager features where you can Assign or Remove to Contact Group
Reject Call – can be use for Contact Manager features where you can Assign or Remove to Contact Group
Away Message – can be use for Contact Manager features where you can Assign or Remove to Contact Group
Chatbot – can be use for Contact Manager features where you can Assign or Remove to Contact Group
Bulk Messaging – can use for manage your contact and custom variable
Contact Data – can be use for Assign Contacts Features
WA Contacts – can be use for Assign Contacts Features
WA Groups – can be use for Assign Contacts Features

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Step 1. WhatsApp > Contact > Contact Groups

Create a contact groups by click on Add New + button

Name your contact group and click submit

Click on back button after submit

Step 2. Import Contact

To upload your contact, you must use Import Contacts button

Download Example Template

Before you can upload your excel file at contact groups, make sure to download Example template first (Very Important)

Save the Example template

  • Column A1 must not be change (Phone Number)
  • Add all your phone number at column A and must have country code
  • You can edit and change the rest of the variables column name and input
  • You can remove example template variable (Param1 … Param10) with your own variable
  • Make sure to save your excel to .xlsx 

Date Format

If you have date for your variables, you must change date format to 14/03/12, NOT *14/03/12

Step 3. Upload Excel

Click on Upload EXCEL

Choose your .xlsx file

Import Via Form

  • If you don’t have an excel file, you can import using form
  • Only phone number
  • Make sure to put country code

Step 4. View Contacts List

Click on List icon to view your contact

Step 5. Edit & Update Contacts

After view the contact list, you can edit to update your contact by click on Edit icon

You can click Add new button to add new variable

After add new variables, it will show at contact list

Step 6. Edit Contact Groups Name & Sort Variable

Click Edit icon to edit your Contact Group name & sort your variable

You can Drag Up / Down to sort your variable at Sort Variable Column

If you don’t want to show or display your variable at Contact List, you can disable at Sort Variable Column

The variable that disable at Sort Variable Column will not be display at Contact List