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Warm up New WhatsApp Number

The longer the number is registered with WhatsApp, the more resistant it is to blocking. If you have just registered a new number, then it is the most vulnerable, we recommend that you start warming up only the next day after creating a WhatsApp account.

You need to be especially careful during the first 10 days of the number use. You should gradually “warm up” the number.

Please note that if your number have been banned before, you also consider as new number and need to warm up.

During the first 5-7 days of the number use:

  • Get at least 100 recipients to chat your new number
  • Do not send messages through the instance and do not create groups immediately after connecting, it is recommended to start sending messages the next day
  • Please use phone only, not from WhatsApp Web or software
  • at least 20 – 30 leads per day
  • at least 100 – 200 conversation per day

Best method to get leads is using FB Ads (WhatsApp)